Enrollment & Schedule


This is an elementary and middle school, and students would either enter mainstream high schools, or continue home schooling by parents after graduation from middle school. This is NOT be a supplementary school for a child to attend in addition to a regular school as the double workload would be too heavy.  Those who are looking for complementary classes in Samskritam, Bharateeya itihasa etc. are referred to other Agastya Gurukulam programs like Kutoohalam, Jignasa, and UpakramaH.

We admit children who are able to sit and pay attention to online teaching for the requisite number of hours. Typically this would be at 5 or 6 years of age but may vary from child to child.

We offer a limited number of spots for “part-timers” i.e. home-schooled children who wish to attend individual subject classes. The order of preference for enrollment would be full-time siblings of full-time students, other full-time students, and finally if class size permits, part-timers may be admitted.  Interested?  Register HERE...

 Recommended Home Gurukulam Schedule

Under parental supervision